
What is the right marketing budget to promote your music?

Promoting your music is an important step in getting your latest song off the ground. But before you even think about your marketing budget, you need to develop your marketing strategy to know where to start. Which channels to use and for which objectives? Let us explain it all to you.

Define your objectives:

Your track has just been released. Now you have to define what are the objectives of your marketing strategy. Gain notoriety with new followers on social media? Increase the number of views on your music video? Increase your number of streams on streaming platforms?

You also have to define your target. Have you noticed that your music is more and more listened to in a particular territory? Why not integrate it in your marketing plan. When creating your audience, you should also think about including an audience that is sensitive to your music genre. You can simply use Your Music Marketing: audiences corresponding to more than 500 musical genres are available on the app, and the algorithm takes care of everything!

Choose the channels to use:

There are many platforms on which it is possible to promote your music: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok… and many more! Your Music Marketing allows you to launch simultaneously on these 4 social media advertising campaigns adapted to your musical genre.

Launching ads on social media will allow you to reach thousands of people, gain new followers, increase the number of views on your music video, but also increase your number of streams on streaming platforms.

Each platform fulfills a different objective:

👉 TikTok allows you to quickly reach a very large number of people and therefore gain visibility and notoriety.

👉 YouTube allows you to promote your latest music video, both in video suggestion and in pre-roll. This way you can easily increase the number of views on your video.

👉 Instagram and Facebook allow you to boost your publications or to launch ads, in feed or story format, which will make you gain new followers (grow your fanbase), and also grow your number of streams if you add the link of your release.

Choose your budget:

Now that you have defined your objectives and chosen the channels you want to use for your promotion, it is time to define your budget. The minimum budget to launch an ad on one social media with Your Music Marketing is €50. Here is an idea of what you can get per platform.

👉 €50 on TikTok : 346 clicks & 150 000 reach

👉 €50 on YouTube : 5 000 views & 10 000 reach

👉 €50 on Instagram: 132 clicks & 12 500 reach

👉 €50 on Facebook : 265 clicks & 25 000 reach

It’s up to you to prioritize the platforms according to your needs and objectives. Using Your Music Marketing, you will only have to fill in your music genre, the territory you want to reach and your budget, then everything is done automatically with the content you will have uploaded. Digital marketing has never been so easy!